What settings are required to run the ODBC-JDBC Gateway with Java DB?

For embedded use:

ODBC-JDBC Gateway data source setting Value
Driver Class org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
Class Path jarfiledir\derby.jar

where jarfiledir is the directory where the Derby driver .jar file is located. For example:

URL jdbc:derby:database

where database is the database you want to connect to. For example:


For Network Server use:

ODBC-JDBC Gateway data source setting Value
Driver Class org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
Class Path jarfiledir\derbyclient.jar

where jarfiledir is the directory where the Derby client driver .jar file is located. For example:

URL jdbc:derby://server/database

where database is the database you want to connect to and server is the machine where the database is running. For example:

jdbc:derby://dbserver.domain.com/C:\Program Files\JavaDB\demo\databases\toursDB

Note Ensure that there are no trailing spaces left at the end of the Driver Class value.