How do I access ODBC databases from an ASP running under IIS with XML?

Use the Easysoft XML-ODBC Server to access ODBC databases from an Active Server Page (ASP) on Internet Information Server (IIS).

To use XML to access ODBC databases from an ASP running under IIS:

  1. Install the XML-ODBC Server and create a system ODBC data source for the target database. Test that you can access the data source with one of the XML-ODBC Server sample clients included in the distribution.

    For information about how to do this, refer to the Easysoft XML-ODBC Server documentation.

  2. Copy xmlodbc.dll from InstallDir/XML-ODBC Server/Clients/VB on the machine running the XML-ODBC Server to your Windows SYSTEM32 directory.

    Replace InstallDir with the XML-ODBC Server installation directory, by default, %PROGRAMFILES%/Easysoft.

  3. At the command prompt, register xmlodbc.dll:
    regsvr32 %WINDIR%\System32\xmlodbc.dll

    To get help with registering DLLs, type:

  4. Create a file named xmldemo.asp under the IIS WWWRoot directory:
    set xmlODBC=Server.CreateObject("Easysoft_XML_ODBC.xmlODBC")
    xmlODBC.Server = "my_xml_server_hostname"
    xmlODBC.Port = 8895
    txtDSN = "DSN=my_system_dsn"
    txtSQL = "select * from my_table"
    If Not xmlODBC.Connect Then
        response.write "Connect Error : " & xmlODBC.ErrorState _
            & " : " & xmlODBC.ErrorText
    End If
    xmlODBC.Execute txtSQL, txtDSN
    If Len(xmlODBC.RawData) < 1 Then
        response.write "SQL Error : " xmlODBC.ErrorState _
            & " : " & xmlODBC.ErrorText
    End If
    response.write xmlODBC.RawData

    Replace my_xml_server_hostname with the name of the machine on which the XML-ODBC Server is running. Replace my_system_dsn with the name of your System data source on the XML-ODBC Server machine. Replace the txtSQL value with a valid SQL statement.

    For more information about the properties, collections and methods that xmlodbc.dll contains, refer to InstallDir/XML-ODBC Server/Clients/VB/README.txt.