Easysoft SQI-Unisys LINC Developer Driver User Guide - Glossary

Terms and definitions


    Application Program Interface. An API is a published set of function calls and constants allowing different programmers to utilise a ready-written library of subroutines.


    An Application Program ("Application" or "App") is a program that applies the computer to solving some real-world problem. In ODBC terms, it is a program connecting to the data source, normally under Microsoft Windows. Easysoft Data Access opens up the range of platforms for ODBC applications.

Authorization code

You must have an authorization code for the Easysoft product you wish to license in order to obtain a purchased license. When you purchase a product your authorization code is emailed to you. You do not need an authorization code to obtain a trial license.

Business model

    By bringing together various business segments, a model of the requirements for that part of the organisation requiring the LINC system can be established and can directly be compared to that of repository.

Business segment

    Provides the definition for the LINC System and can be directly compared to that of a database or schema.


    A process performing tasks local to the current user, for example, formatting and displaying a report from data retrieved from the server.


    The name given to the architecture whereby one process (the server) keeps track of global data, and another task (the client) is responsible for formatting and presenting the data. The client connects to the server and requests queries or actions be performed on its behalf.


    The vertical dimension of a table. A named, typed "field" along with all its data.

conditional profile

    A profile that has conditional records in its definition. These records define the data that should be visible within the profile. When a row is inserted or updated in the Ispec, the conditional profiles must be checked and the profile flag set to `Y' or `N' accordingly.

data source

    In ODBC terms, a data source is a database or other data repository coupled with an ODBC driver, which has been given a Data Source Name (see DSN) to identify it to the ODBC Driver Manager.

to download

    To retrieve data from a remote machine (or "the internet") to your local machine. Mechanisms for achieving this include FTP and the World Wide Web.


    Data Source Name. A name associated with an ODBC data source. Driver Managers, such as the Microsoft Windows Driver Manager, use the Data Source Name to cross-reference configuration information and load the required driver. See also ODBC driver.

Driver Manager

    A piece of software whose main function is to load ODBC drivers. ODBC applications connect to the Driver Manager and requests a DSN. The Driver Manager loads the driver specified in the DSN's configuration file. In Windows, the ODBC Data Source Administrator is used to set up the Driver Manager.


    See data source.


    A placeholder for a single datum in a record. For example you can have a Surname field in a Contact Details record.


    The means by which a transaction is entered, either a Component Ispec or an Event Ispec, where the transaction proposed has a single purpose. An Ispec roughly equates to a screen in the LINC system.


    LDA (LINC Development Assistant) is a set of applications that allow the design, development, testing and implementation of a LINC System on a Windows platform.

LDA Development

    The part of LDA for building the LINC system.

LDA Runtime

    The part of LDA for running a LINC system on the Windows platform.


    A suite of programs and methods for the rapid development of transaction intensive systems, by Unisys.

LINC System

    A suite of programs allowing data entry and the production of reports. LINC Systems comprise multiple Ispecs.


    A configuration setting file that contains names and directories that define the locations of the files for all business segments and Ispecs.


    A single character column containing either A for added; C for changed or D for deleted. This is maintained by the LDA runtime and reflects the most recent action on the given record (or row).

ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity)

    Is Microsoft's standard API for connecting to heterogeneous database formats from Windows programs. ODBC is available on an number of platforms.

ODBC driver

    Software that accesses a proprietary data source, providing a standardised view of the data to ODBC.

operating system

    Academics still haven't agreed on the actual definition of an operating system, but a working definition can be:

    A collection of software programs, APIs and working practices that control and integrate the execution of system functions on behalf of application programs.


    The term "platform" covers the hardware and operating system as a unit, such as a PC running Microsoft Windows.


    Provides an index to a specified selection of data, and provides a means of access to just those data that are required to perform a specific function.

profile flags

    A single character field, containing Y or N, that exists for each profile in an Ispec and indicates whether or not that Ispec data is included in the profile.


    A database containing details of business segments (LINC Specifications) held by LDA. The concrete implementation of the business model.


    Is the horizontal dimension of a table (compare column). A row roughly corresponds to a single entity in the real world.


    A specification of the structure of a database, including the tables, their column headings and keys.


    A process performing the centralised component of some task, for example extracting information from a corporate database. See Client/server.

SQL (Structured Query Language)

    A standard language for interacting with relational database systems, based on Relational Theory.

system data source

    In the context of ODBC under Microsoft Windows, a data source which can be accessed by any user on a given system. See also user data source.


    A data set in a relational database, composed of rows and columns. For example:

vendor name
Easysoft Easysoft Data Access
MySoft My ODBC Compliant Application

    This table has two columns; vendor, and name. It has two rows, that corresponding to Easysoft Data Access, and that corresponding to MySoft's ODBC client software. The term table can also apply to just the definition of the table, without its data.

user data source

    An ODBC Data Source with access limited to a specific user on a given system. See also system data source.