What's new?

Transparent Application Failover (TAF) support

Transparent Application Failover (TAF) is a mechanism that enables client applications to automatically reconnect to a node of a RAC database cluster following a connection failure. There may be a delay associated with failing over to another node. To keep users informed and give them the option to interrupt the failover process, it is possible for an OCI application to register a callback function that is invoked in the event of a connection loss and during the course of the failover.

The Oracle ODBC driver now enables ODBC applications to register a failover callback function.

Further information

Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP) support

Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP) is a scalability feature introduced in Oracle 11g Release 1, which uses a combination of dedicated server and connection broker to handle short, transient sessions coming from Web applications. DRCP is especially relevant for architectures with multi-process, single-threaded application servers, such as PHP and Apache, that cannot do middle-tier connection pooling.

The Oracle ODBC driver now enables ODBC applications to configure the behaviour of DRCP. ODBC applications can:

To configure DRCP, use the Pool_Purity and Pool_Connection_Class Oracle ODBC driver attributes.

Further information

Wire Protocol driver

Easysoft now provide a Wire Protocol (WP) version of the Oracle ODBC driver, which provides clientless, direct access to Oracle 8–23c.


Although the driver was previously one of the quickest available, we have improved the performance of the driver such that the fetching of data may now be 300% faster. This performance increase has been gained by analysis of typical use patterns and subsequent optimisation of the Oracle API calls. No additional changes are required to existing application code to take advantage of this extra performance, and there are no potential hidden costs to slow down other operations.

Oracle feature support

Additional support has been added for the following Oracle features:


The following changes have been made to the UNIX installation:

Data type support

The following additional data types are supported:

New API calls

The driver now supports the following ODBC API calls:

New SQL features

Positioned updates and deletes can now be done using SELECT ... FOR UPDATE OF statements.

Problem fixes

Many minor problems have been fixed in this release. These are described in the CHANGES.txt file included in the installation.