Easysoft XML-ODBC Server Windows Getting Started Guide

This guide shows you how to download, install, and license the Easysoft XML-ODBC Server.

At the end, you will be able to access your ODBC data source using a sample client application supplied with the XML-ODBC Server and create your own applications using the development tool of your choice.


Step 1: Download the XML-ODBC Server

  1. Download the XML-ODBC Server.
  2. Follow your browser instructions to save the distribution file to a temporary directory on your Windows machine.

Step 2: Install and configure the XML-ODBC Server

  1. On your Windows machine, change into the directory where you saved the XML-ODBC Server distribution.
  2. Start the installation by double-clicking the distribution file

    At the end of the installation, you will have installed and licensed the XML-ODBC Server, which runs as a Windows service.

Step 3: Access your data sources

  1. This example uses the sample C client application included with the distribution.

    You need the following details:

    • host: The server name or IP address of the XML-ODBC Server host.
    • port: The port number configured for the server, by default 8895.
    • DSN: The name of the ODBC data source you need to access.
    • UID: The database user name (if applicable).
    • PWD: The database password.
    • SQL: The SQL statement that you want to execute.
  2. Open a Command Prompt and (assuming that you accepted the default installation directory) change into:
    drive:\Program Files\Easysoft\XML-ODBC Server\Clients\C
  3. Run xmlodbc_client.exe:
    xmlodbc_client.exe -h host -p port -c "DSN=DSN;UID=UID;PWD=PWD;" -s "SQL;"

    If successful, the server response will be displayed as XML.

What next?

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