Python ODBC code samples

These examples use the pyodbc module. Before attempting to run them, follow the instructions contained in our pyodbc tutorial.

Example Description
Stored Procedure (I) Call a stored procedure, which returns a result set.
Stored Procedure (II) Simulate using parameter arrays with a stored procedure by emulating the parameter arrays using tuples in Python.
Stored Procedure (III) Simulate using parameter arrays with a stored procedure by emulating the parameter arrays using tuples in Python.
Stored Procedure (IV) Call a stored procedure, which inserts records.
Stored Procedure (V) Call a stored procedure, which returns multiple results sets.
Stored Procedure (VI) Use SELECT at the end of a stored procedure to show how return values and output variables can be implemented in pyodbc.
Stored Procedure (VI) Call a stored procedure using input parameter, which selects data.
Stored Procedure (VII) Simulate using a single parameter array with a stored procedure by emulating the parameter array using tuples in Python.
Stored Procedure (IX) Call a stored procedure, which reads, inserts, updates or deletes records.