Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) provides a standard way for applications to access databases. The ODBC API is a library of ODBC functions that let ODBC-enabled applications connect to any database for which an ODBC driver is available, execute SQL statements, and retrieve results.
Articles and Resources
- ODBC Code Samples
- ODBC API examples written in C.
- Using the DB2 ODBC Driver with unixODBC
- The unixODBC Driver Manager allows non-DB2 CLI applications to connect to DB2 from Linux and UNIX platforms.
- 64-bit ODBC
- 64-bit ODBC primer -- everything you need to know about ODBC on 64-bit Linux, UNIX and Windows platforms.
- Linux/UNIX ODBC primer -- everything you need to know about ODBC on Linux and UNIX platforms.
- Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge Performance White Paper
- Provides information for application developers and users on getting the best possible performance from the Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge.
- ODBC Diagnostics & Error Status Codes
- How to retrieve and interpret ODBC diagnostic information. This guide also links to a page that provides a complete list of SQLSTATEs and the ODBC functions that return them.
- ODBC Resources
- ODBC web sites including the online Microsoft ODBC Programmer's Reference.
ODBC Drivers
- Easysoft ODBC-Oracle Driver
- ODBC access to Oracle® from Linux, Unix and Windows. Supported applications and programming interfaces include ApplixWare, OpenOffice.org, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC, Python mxODBC/pyodbc and PHP. Uses the Oracle® Database Client or Instant Client to access Oracle®.
- Easysoft ODBC-InterBase Driver
- ODBC access to InterBase from Linux, Unix and Windows. Supported applications and interfaces include ApplixWare, OpenOffice.org, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC, Python mxODBC/pyodbc and PHP.
- Easysoft ODBC-ISAM Driver
- Relational, real-time, read/write access to C-ISAM and D-ISAM data for ODBC-enabled applications on Windows, UNIX and Linux.
- Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge
- ODBC access to databases for which you cannot obtain an ODBC driver on your client platform. For example, access Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Navision, FoxPro, Paradox, Centura SQLBase/Gupta SQLBase using their Windows ODBC drivers from Perl or Apache/PHP on Linux. Supported applications include OpenOffice.org, ApplixWare, StarOffice, Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel. Supported interfaces include Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC, PHP, Rexx/SQL and Python mxODBC/pyodbc.
- Easysoft ODBC-Sybase Driver
- ODBC access to Sybase from Linux and Unix. Supported applications and interfaces include OpenOffice.org, ApplixWare, Perl DBI/DBD::ODBC, Python mxODBC/pyodbc and PHP.
- Easysoft ODBC-SQL Server Driver
- MS SQL Server ODBC driver for MSSQL 7.0, MSSQL 2000, MSSQL 2005, MSSQL 2008, MSSQL 2014, MSSQL 2016, MSSQL 2017, MSSQL 2019 and MSSQL Express. Available on Linux, Unix and Windows platforms.
- Easysoft ODBC-Salesforce Driver
- Salesforce.com ODBC driver for Windows, Linux and Unix platforms.
- Easysoft ODBC-MongoDB Driver
- MongoDB ODBC driver for Windows, Linux and Unix platforms.
- Easysoft ODBC-Google Analytics Driver
- Google Analytics ODBC driver for Windows, Linux and Unix platforms.
- Easysoft ODBC-DB2 Driver
- DB2 ODBC driver for Linux and Unix platforms.
- Easysoft ODBC-Derby Driver
- Derby ODBC driver for Linux and Unix platforms.
- Easysoft ODBC-Access Driver
- MS Access ODBC driver for Linux and Unix platforms.
- Easysoft ODBC-Firebird Driver
- ODBC access to Firebird from Linux, Unix, Windows and OS X.
- Easysoft ODBC-JDBC Gateway
- ODBC access from applications such as Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Delphi and C++ to Java databases. Supported databases include Borland JDataStore, FirstSQL, hsqldb, HSQL (Hypersonic SQL), IBM Cloudscape/Apache Derby, Mckoi, MetaMatrix, OpenBase and PointBase.
- Easysoft ODBC-CODA Driver
- ODBC access from Windows applications such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and Lotus 1-2-3 to CODA data on OpenVMS. Includes the Easysoft Excel Add-In for CODA. This spreadsheet add-in makes it easy to upload data to CODA and generate Excel reports from CODA data.
- Easysoft ODBC-RMS Driver
- ODBC access from Windows applications such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access and Lotus 1-2-3 to RMS data on OpenVMS.