* FILENAME :    CallSPDeleteRecord.php
*               Example illustrates the use of a stored procedure in PHP
*               PDO to list and then delete a record from a table.
*               Connects to Data Source using Data Source Name
*               Drops and recreates a procedure 'pDelete_Rec'
*               Prepares call to pDelete_Rec and binds 3 params:
*                   1. (INPUT)  - action 0 - SELECT, 1 - DELETE
*                   2. (INPUT)  - record to delete
*                   3. (OUTPUT) - records deleted count
*               Executes the procedure using stmt->execute() with
*               action = SELECT, Calls stmt->fetchall() to retrieve
*               a rowset of all rows and displays them
*               Prompts for record to delete calls pDelete_Rec with
*               action = DELETE and record id to delete.
*               Retrieves record deleted count returned
*               Repeats the above until finished
*               Closes statement and database connection

// Actions for the stored prcedure
define ('SELECT', 0);
define ('DELETE', 1);

// Datasource name
$dsn ="odbc:DATASOURCE";

// Stored Procedure Create Statement
$sqlCreateSP="CREATE PROCEDURE pDelete_Rec
           (@action INT,
            @pRecID INT,
            @pRowCount INT OUTPUT)
            if (@action=0)
                SELECT PersonID, FirstName, LastName FROM TestTBL1 ORDER BY PersonID;
                DELETE FROM TestTBL1 WHERE PersonID=@pRecID;
                SELECT @pRowCount=@@ROWCOUNT;

// Stored Procedure Drop Statement
$sqlDropSP="IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects
           WHERE type='P' AND name='pDelete_Rec')
           DROP PROCEDURE pDelete_Rec";

// Stored Procedure Call Statement
$sqlExecSP   = "{CALL pDelete_Rec(?, ?, ?)}";

// Returned ID of record to delete

// If action is 0 - list record ids
// If action is not 0 - delete record with id @pRecID

// No of rows effected by delete

try {

    // Connect to the datasource
    $dbh = new PDO($dsn);

    // Drop existing stored procedure if exists
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sqlDropSP);

    // Create new stored procedure
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sqlCreateSP);

    // Prepare stored procedure
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sqlExecSP);

    // Bind parameters 1 and 2 as INPUT, 3 as output
    $stmt->bindParam(1, $action, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $stmt->bindParam(2, $pRecID, PDO::PARAM_INT);
    $stmt->bindParam(3, $pRowCount, PDO::PARAM_INT|PDO::PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT, 4);

    do {
        // Start by displaying all records
        do  {
            // Use fetchAll() to get results back from stored proc
            $result = $stmt->fetchAll();

            foreach($result as $rst) {
                printf ("\n%4d, ", $rst['PersonID']);
                printf ("%.10s, %.10s", rtrim($rst['FirstName']), rtrim($rst['LastName']));
            printf ("\n");
        } while ($stmt->nextRowset());

        // Get record to delete
        printf ("\nDelete record numbered : "); $pRecID=intval(fgets(STDIN));
        if ($pRecID==0) goto end;
        printf ("Deleting record %d", $pRecID);

        // Set action to delete

        // Show whether record was deleted
        printf ("\nRecord %d  ", $pRecID);
        if ($pRowCount==0)
            printf ("NOT ");
        printf ("Deleted");

        // Delete another ?
        printf ("\nAgain (Y/N) ? "); $ans=strtoupper(fgets(STDIN));
        if (strncmp($ans, "N", 1)==0) goto end;

        // Close cursor and go round again
    } while(1);

    // Drop stored procedure used
    $stmt = $dbh->prepare($sqlDropSP);

    // Close statement and database connection
    $stmt = NULL;
    $dbh = NULL;

} catch (PDOException $e) {
   echo "Exception Occurred :" . $e->getMessage();

Further information