Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge

How do I access ODBC Databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access from Actuate Reporting Applications?

Last Reviewed:
24th January 2024

You can use the Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge to access remote ODBC databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Acces and, Microsoft Excel from Actuate running on Unix.

Download ODBC-ODBC Bridge for the platform on which Actuate is installed and install the ODBC-ODBC Bridge Client. Then download ODBC-ODBC Bridge for the platform on which the ODBC driver for your database is installed and install the ODBC-ODBC Bridge Server. Set up and test an ODBC-ODBC Bridge Client data source under unixODBC (see the ODBC-ODBC Bridge manual for information about how to do this).

Now you need to tell Actuate about the ODBC Driver Manager. The procedure outlined below assumes you have Actuate installed in $AC_SERVER_HOME and ODBC-ODBC Bridge in /usr/local:

  1. cd $AC_SERVER_HOME/lib
    ln -s /usr/local/easysoft/unixODBC/lib/libodbc.so ODBC.so
  2. Your data source can be added to /etc/odbc.ini.
  3. You should not need to set ODBC_INI_PATH or ODBC_MGR_PATH in the pmd7.sh file.
  4. Make sure pmd7.sh sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH to include:
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