Easysoft JDBC-ODBC Bridge

Can I download the driver without the server?

Last Reviewed:
11th January 2024

You must have the server somewhere on your network to use the Easysoft JDBC-ODBC Bridge. The driver is packaged with the server. You can use the zero-installation method to deploy your applets, or you may simply copy the driver to the client machine and place it on the CLASSPATH.

To do this, start your browser on the client machine, and download the EJOB.jar file from the JDBC-ODBC Bridge server on the server machine. Be careful to ensure that the file you create as a result of downloading is named EJOB.jar. Some older browsers, may class the EJOB.jar file on the JDBC-ODBC Bridge Web server to be of type WinZip. You need to change the type in the browser dialog to All types and give the file name EJOB.jar.

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