Why haven't I had a reply to the email I sent to autolicense@easysoft.com?

If you select the email method of obtaining a license, the Windows License Manager sends an email to autolicense@easysoft.com. On Linux and UNIX, the licshell program creates a license_request.txt file, which you can email to this address to obtain a license.

Remember that the license auto-responder sends the license to the email address you supplied in the email field of License Manager (Windows) or licshell (Linux and UNIX). As a result, if you specify an incorrect email address, your request will be lost. Also, remember that the email address specified in the email field may be different from the account you used to send the request from. In this case, you need to check that mail account for a receipt from our auto-responder.

If you've checked the above and have still not received a license, consider whether sufficient time has elapsed for your email to be received by our auto-responder and for the reply to get back to you. It's difficult to say how long you should wait, as emails can pass through many machines to get to their destination. What Easysoft can say is that emails received by our auto-responder are processed within a few minutes. If, after a few hours, you have still not received a response, contact us or use an alternative method to obtain a license.