Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge

Why does test 13 of the simple test in Perl DBD::ODBC fail?

Last Reviewed:
19th July 2005

Test 13 tests SQLDataSources. If you have built Perl DBD::ODBC directly with Easysoft ODBC-ODBC Bridge (i.e. without a Driver Manager) then SQLDataSources in ODBC-ODBC Bridge only lists data sources in the odbc.ini file in the current working directory. If the odbc.ini file in the current working directory does not contain any data sources then SQLDataSources returns SQL_NO_DATA. The DBD::ODBC test classes this as a fail. Your options are: add a data source to the odbc.ini file in the current working directory; build with an ODBC Driver Manager; ignore this failure.

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