* FILENAME :    CallSPInsertRecs.c
*               Illustrates using a stored procedure to performs several
*               actions relating to inserting a record into a table. It
*               shows how to set up input and output parameters and how to
*               return a status value from the procedure.
*               Calls a stored procedure as follows:
*               {? = CALL Insert_Record (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}
*               Drops and recreates a procedure 'Insert_Record'
*               Confirms the procedure exists via SQLProcedures ()
*               Uses SQLBindParameter() to bind data to the 7
*               parameters used in the stored procedure.
*	            7 Parameters - 1   - Proc return value     - RETURNED
*	                           2-5 - table fields          - INPUT
*	                           6   - matching record count - OUTPUT
*	                           7   - total records         - OUTPUT
*	            Loops asking for user inout for the 4 INPUT fields until
*	            blank FirstName (param 2) is entered:
*   	            Uses SQLExecute () to execute stored proc which adds
*   	            new person record into TestTBL1 using user input
*   	            Returns all records in the table, ordered by ID
*   	            Returns all records that match new record firstname
*   	            Returns number of matching records
*   	            Returns number of records in table
*   		    Returns 100 as function return value
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sql.h>
#include <sqlext.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "util.c"
#include "CallSPUtil.c"

int main () {

    SQLHENV  henv  = SQL_NULL_HENV;   	// Environment
    SQLHDBC  hdbc  = SQL_NULL_HDBC;   	// Connection handle
    SQLHSTMT hstmt = SQL_NULL_HSTMT;  	// Statement handle
    SQLRETURN retcode;			// Return status

    // Declare call to stored proc with 7 parameter markers
    SQLCHAR * strCallSP   = "{? = CALL Insert_Record (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}";
    char * strProcName = "Insert_Record";

    SQLSMALLINT columns; 		// Number of columns in result-set
    int i, count;

    // Stored proc paramaters, output variables and return variable.
    SQLCHAR     strFirstName[FIRSTNAME_LEN], strLastName[LASTNAME_LEN];
    SQLCHAR     strAddress[ADDRESS_LEN], strCity[CITY_LEN];
    SWORD       RetParam = 1, MatchingRecs = 1, TotalRecs = 1;
    SQLLEN      lFirstName, lLastName, lAddress, lCity;
    SQLLEN      lRetParam, lMatchingRecs, lTotalRecs;

    // Allocate an environment handle
    retcode=SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLAllocHandle(ENV)", henv, SQL_HANDLE_ENV);

    // Set ODBC Version
    retcode=SQLSetEnvAttr(henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION,
                          (void *) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0);
                henv, SQL_HANDLE_ENV);

    // Allocate a connection handle
    retcode=SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC)",
                hdbc, SQL_HANDLE_DBC);

    // Connect to data source
    retcode=SQLDriverConnect(hdbc, NULL, "DSN=DATASOURCE;", SQL_NTS, NULL,
                             0, NULL, SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLDriverConnect(DATASOURCE)",
                hdbc, SQL_HANDLE_DBC);

    // Drop previous procedure called Insert_Record
    retcode = DropProcedure (hdbc, strProcName);

    // Create new procedure called Insert_Record
    retcode = CreateProcedure (hdbc, strProcName);

    // Use SQLPRocedures() to show Insert_Record it now available
    retcode = ListProcedure (hdbc, strProcName);

    // Allocate a statement handle
    retcode=SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT)",
                hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    // Bind parameteres. The order is the order in which they appear
    // 1st is return parameter
    retcode = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 1, SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT, SQL_C_SSHORT,
                               SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0, &RetParam, 0, &lRetParam);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLBindParameter(1)", hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    // 2nd is FirstName passed as input
    retcode = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR,
                               SQL_CHAR, FIRSTNAME_LEN, 0, strFirstName,
                               FIRSTNAME_LEN, &lFirstName);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLBindParameter(2)", hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    // 3rd is LastName passed as input
    retcode = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 3, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR,
                               SQL_CHAR, LASTNAME_LEN, 0, strLastName,
                               LASTNAME_LEN, &lLastName);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLBindParameter(3)", hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    // 4th is Address passed as input
    retcode = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 4, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR,
                               SQL_CHAR, ADDRESS_LEN, 0, strAddress,
                               ADDRESS_LEN, &lAddress);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLBindParameter(4)", hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    // 5th is City passed as input
    retcode = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 5, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR,
                               SQL_CHAR, CITY_LEN, 0, strCity,
                               CITY_LEN, &lCity);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLBindParameter(5)", hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    // 6th is returned as outout and is the number of records that match
    // the FirstName of the record inserted. E.g. number of Johns, if
    // John was just inserted.
    // This is generated by the SELECT @MatchingRecs=count(*) FROM
    // TestTBL1 WHERE FirstName=@pFirstName part of the stored proc.
    retcode = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 6, SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT, SQL_C_SSHORT,
                               SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0, &MatchingRecs, 0,
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLBindParameter(6)", hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    // 7th is used to return the total number of records in the table. This
    // is generated by the SELECT @TotalRecs=count(*) FROM TestTBL1 part
    // of the stored proc.
    retcode = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 7, SQL_PARAM_OUTPUT, SQL_C_SSHORT,
                               SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0, &TotalRecs, 0, &lTotalRecs);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLBindParameter(7)", hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    retcode = SQLPrepare (hstmt, strCallSP, SQL_NTS);
    CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLPrepare(SQL_HANDLE_STMT)",
                hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    SQLLEN  indicator, RowCount;;
    char *buf=malloc (255);

    // Loop inserting and displaying records until blank firstname entered
    while (1) {

        // Initialise buffers
        memset (strFirstName, ' ', FIRSTNAME_LEN);
        memset (strLastName, ' ', LASTNAME_LEN);
        memset (strAddress, ' ', ADDRESS_LEN);
        memset (strCity, ' ', CITY_LEN);

        // Get data to insert, quit loop on blank firstname
        getStr ("\nFirst Name", strFirstName, FIRSTNAME_LEN, 'N');
        if (strlen(strFirstName) == 0) break;
        getStr ("Last  Name", strLastName, LASTNAME_LEN, 'N');
        getStr ("Address   ", strAddress, ADDRESS_LEN, 'N');
        getStr ("City      ", strCity, CITY_LEN, 'N');


    	retcode = SQLExecute (hstmt);
        CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLExecute(SQL_HANDLE_STMT)",
                    hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);

    	// For a more generic example, use SQLDescribeCol here to
        // find column names ...

    	printf ("\nPersonID Firstname    Surname      Address     City");
    	printf ("\n-------- ---------    -------      -------     ----");

        // This loop will execute twice, once for each of the SELECT * FROM
        // statements in the stored proc. The first gives all records in the
        // table, the second gives all records that match the firstname of the
        // record just added (so there should be at least one).
        // Note, the while SQLFetch returns the records from a result set,
        // SQLMoreResults indicates whether there are more results sets.

        do {
            // SQLNumResultCols() returns number of columns in result set.
            // if non zero use SQLFetch until SQL_NO_DATA returned
            retcode=SQLNumResultCols(hstmt, &columns);
            CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLNumResultCols()", hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);
            printf ("\nColumns : %i", columns);
            if (columns > 0) {
                printf ("\nStart Fetch ...");
                while (SQLFetch(hstmt) != SQL_NO_DATA) {
            	    // Loop through the columns
            	    memset (buf, ' ', 255);
                    printf ("\n");
                    for (i = 1; i <= columns; i++) {
                        // Retrieve column data for column i as a string
                        retcode = SQLGetData(hstmt, i, SQL_C_CHAR,
                                             buf, 255, &indicator);
                        if (SQL_SUCCEEDED(retcode)) {
                            // Output NULL if indicator suggests so
                            if (indicator == SQL_NULL_DATA) {
                                strcpy (buf, "NULL");
                            buf=rtrim(buf, ' ');
                            if (i==1)
                                printf("%-8s ", buf);
                                printf("%-12s ", buf);
                printf ("\nEnd Fetch ...\n");
            } else {
                // SQLRowCount returns number of rows affected by
                // INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE or (if the driver provides) the
                // number of rows returned by a SELECT
                retcode=SQLRowCount(hstmt, &RowCount);
            	CHECK_ERROR(retcode, "SQLRowCount()", hstmt, SQL_HANDLE_STMT);
                printf ("\nRow count is : %i\n", (int) RowCount);
        } while (SQLMoreResults(hstmt) == SQL_SUCCESS);

        // Output values for matching records and total records
        printf("Matching Records  : %d\n", MatchingRecs);
        printf("Total Records     : %d\n", TotalRecs);

        // Output return parameter, set to 100 (SQL_NO_DATA) in the stored
        // proc, but could be used for something more meaningful.
        printf("Return Parameter  : %d\n", RetParam);


    // free temporary buffer used for formatting record data
    free (buf);

    printf ("\nComplete.\n");

    // Free handles
    // Statement
    if (hstmt != SQL_NULL_HSTMT)
        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);

    // Connection
    if (hdbc != SQL_NULL_HDBC) {
        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);

    // Environment
    if (henv != SQL_NULL_HENV)
        SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);

    return 0;

See Also

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